Wonder in Mexico
Wonder: Calakmul
Country: Mexico
Region: Campeche
Visitable: Yes
Calakmul is one of the largest ancient Maya cities ever uncovered. Cyrus Lundell, the discoverer, was who gave the name to the place and means The City of the Two Adjacent Pyramids. Mysterious place
The Archaeological site of Calakmul is located very deeply in the jungles of Petén Basin, over 1,800,000 acre of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in the State of Campeche, Mexico; into the limits of the municipalities of Champotón and Hopelchén; and 30 kilometres from the Guatemalan border.
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Over 6,750 ancient Calakmul structures, the largest one is the Great Pyramid of 55 metres high and 4 tombs inside, being the tallest Pyramid of the whole Maya Pyramids, and as many other similar constructions, to reach its current size, 2 square kilometres, it was increased by building upon other existing temples; and the whole site covered with residential structures is about 20 square kilometres.
Being also the biggest Maya City of Mexico, next to Palenque in Mexico and Tikal in Guatemala, Calakmul was part of this powerful triangle. It is also one of the richest places in structures including 117 steles, the largest number in Mexico, which represent its rules and their wives. However, due to they are sculpted in soft limestone, most of them have eroded making harder, and in some cases, impossible to interpret them.
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Calakmul represent the ecological line of Yucatan Peninsula, located in the middle of tropical forests with a warm and sub-humid climate and rains during the summer, while during the winter the temperature descend sometimes until 32ºF. This combination has allowed the creation of rich fauna, including jaguars, turkey vultures, xoco-pheasant, toucan, three types of eagles, tapirs, peraries, anteaters, armadillos, parrots, 400 species of butterflies, 147 types of vertebrates, and rich flora with the famous orchids, and about 1600 varieties of plants.
This amazing Archaeological Site is open to the public during the whole week, from 8am to 5pm.
Ever since its inception, the Calakmul city received influences from both the north and the south, showing its role as an early geographic center in the Maya Area, however it also was part of a Region composed by El Mirador, Nakbé and Uaxactún, other archaeological sites.
Overview of Calakmul |
Culturally, Calakmul have been considered as the capital of a Regional Maya State during the Classic Period, making of it a superpower enemy of Tikal, the other city which Calakmul was always disputing the hegemony of the Central Maya Area with, during the Classic Period.
During the sixth and seventh centuries of this era, Calakmul had also the dominance of the social and political life of the area, allowing to its ruling class to play an important role into the political thinking; and at the same time, this made possible that certain number of cities participated as allied of Calakmul, creating in some degree, what nowadays is consider as The Calakmul Kingdom.
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Calakmul was first discovered on December 29th, 1931, from the air by Cyrus L. Lundell, a biologist of the Mexican Exploitation Chicle Company, but in March 1932 it was reported to Sylvanus G. Morley of the Carnegie Institute at Chichen Itzá.
Video Calakmul, Mexico
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